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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

hapned f[unr]rst in a Chimney, and afterwards lay concealed
in some of the Timber work that lay out in
the Chimney, the Cittadell of St. Johnstons in a
great part of it burnt down, yet not so suddenly,
but that the Scores, Goods, and other things of
greatest use and value, were removed and preserved.
From Berlin, June 4
There is an Agreement made betwixt his Majesty
of Sweden, and our Prince the Elector of
Brandenburgh, in puncto conjunctionis Armorum,
that is to say, in the point of uniting their Forces;
and now by vertue of that Agreement, the whole
Elector all Army (except those that are disposed
in Garison throughout Prussia) is to march toward
Dantzick to assist the Swedes.
Our Elector hath with him and in other his
Dominions throughout Germany, 30000 fighting
men, over and above those which are in garison
Some there are who a[unr]rm he intends to hold a
Neutrality, and engage with neither party; but
this Report of theirs we here know to be false,
From Dantzi[unr]k, June 3.
The Swedes, because they are not able to undermine
out Constancy by [unr] perswasions, intend
now to assault with all their power. They have
not yet made any approach to the works about
this City but have frequently made a shew up and
down in Parries, as near as within the gunshot of
us [unr]
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