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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

certain Conditions; as that the Soldiery may not have licence
any more to oppress the people by Free Quarter. And that in
time to come offices doe not passe by sale. That all officers of
Waer and state be called to constant strict Account; in-consequence
whereof the states of Brabant, declare their willingnes
to contribute their proportion towards the accomplishing of
the Spanish Army, which they hope to make above 2000
horse and Foot.
Much talk and great expectation there hath been in this
Country, of great supplies to comfrom the Emperor for the
Service of his Catholick Majesty, but none can yet be heard of,
save onely about 1500. Foot which are com to Colen, but care
not much for the Spanish Employments, because of the bad
Pay and Entertainment they have had here formerly, and
therefore Divers of them are run away, as they found
opportunity. Tis to be feared, the rest of these Germanes will
turn French, as the more comfortable and thriving side.
The news of the French Armies setting down before Valenebienne
somwhat startled the great officers here, and made
them be stirring. The new Govern[unr]r Don John imediatly went
hence, attended by the Marques of Caracene and the Prince of
Ligue, as soon as the News came to Court, and tis beleeved
they, with the Prince of Conde, will take some quick course to
put their Army into a posture, [unr] is like now to bee hot worke,
For which the Arch Duke had been a little too phlegmatick,
and therefore they hope they shall hereafter have better successe
in their Affairs under a more active person.
From Paris. June 24. S.N.
On the 20. instant, here died onfieur Hugues De Bussy
Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and grand
Prior of France, in the 69 year of his Age.
The young M[unr]shal D' equincourt, who was taken last year
prisoner by the Enemy, is now exchanged for the Count of
Judogue, over and above which Exchange the said Marshal
was fain to pay 30000 livers or his ransome. He is now to
return into the Government of Ber[unr].
The Chevalier De Trellon began his journey hence within
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