Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

these few daies towards the King of Sweden, to present him
with that rich Present which was appointed by his Majesty of
France to which there is added a very rich Cabinet filled
With Essences, Pomades, and abundance of other Rari[unr]es for
the Queen of Sweden.
By Letter from Rome of the 29 instant, we are
advised, that by reason of the great encrease of the
contagion at Naples and in Civita Vechia, there
are four Gates at Rome shut up to save the trouble
of guarding them, and 4 Prelates are appointed
the charge of being Conservators of the health of
the City. The like care is taken at Genoa; and
by this means there is an obstruction of comerce
throughout Italy, and with the Island of Sardinia
They write Moreover from Rome, that the Pope is
now on the point of preferring his Brother and his
Nephews. The Palace of the Prince of Gallicano
is taken up for his brother Seignior Marjo, who
(as tis supposed) will in the first Consistory that
shall be called, be made Generall of the Forces of
the Forces of the Church and one of his Son, be
created a Cardinal, together with a Prince of the
house of Medici, and another of the [unr] Family,
to be Associates in the Same dignity.
As to matter of action in the [unr]rmy know
That the Enemy having lately made up a Body out
of severall of their garisons, with in[unr]nt to have
put some Relief by force into the City of Valenchienne,
were repulsed with loss. The King Was
lately continuing at la Eere, whence issued forth
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