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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

Orders to the Governors of Peronne, Ham, Guise,
St Quintin, and his other Towns upon the Frontiers,
requiring them forthwith, to set forth out of
each garison 400 horse, to attend him to Valenchienue,
at which siege hee intends to appear in
person. Means hath bin already used to let the
Inhabitants of Valenebienne understand in his Majesties
name, that in case they will come willingly
under his Obedience and Protection, they shall be
maintained in their Priviledges, and enjoy likewise
a Liberty of Conscience, and have the wretched
yoak of the I[unr]quis[unr]ion taken off from them.
A few dayes ago, here was by Order from His
Majesty, a Priest named Fermius, Native of Mount
Libanus in judea, one of those than Translated the
Hebrew Bible into Latine and French, sent Prisoner
to the Bastillo, for having bin too licentious
with his Tongue against the Ministers of the Government.
From Stettin in Pomeraria, June 6.
We have News b[unr]ught hither, That our King
his Majesty of Sweden, having retired from Dantzick,
and bending his course towards Th[unr]ren did
by the way at Bromberg force Czarneck to retreat
with his flying Army, which could never yet be got
to stand to a full Battel, because he abounds in hors
who presently place their safety in running our
Kings design in this march, was to hasten for the
Relief of Warsovia , surrounded by a great power
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