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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

of the Enemy, but of the successe wee have as yet no Account
come unto us.
The Letters which arive here from Cracovia make no
mention of any great Body that is with the person of King
Casimir, who loves to keep farr enough out of gunshot, but
they say, that one of his Generals, by name Vitebsko, hath a
very numerous one before Warsovia, made up of a Rabble of
all sorts of people that would run together.
Wee have no News here touching the Emperors Army in
Silesia, except some odd stories of fictions which were brought
hither 3 or 4 daies agoe, not worth the reciting.
From Antwerp, June. 22. Stilo novo
The manner of the Frenchmens setting down before valenchinne,
was thus marching beyond st. Ghilain with 30[unr]0 they
made beleeves as if their Designe were upon Tournay, and at the
same time another Body of the like number of horse under Marshall
Tureine passed by the way of the gar[unr]ison of Conde towards
Doway In the mean time, the Officers of Spain taking
the opportunity to put some Foot into Tourney, thereupon the
Body under Tureine retreated by night and sat down before
Valechienne, where they have begun and near finished their
Line about the City, the said Marshal having taken up his
Quarter on that side which lies towards Quesnoy, and the other
Generall Marshall De la Ferte Seneterre, on that part which
looks toward st. Ammand, Having finished then D[unr]tch, they
are fencing it with Palisades; but the Spaniards neverthelesse
made som attempt to have releeved the place, having for that
end collected about 800. men out of their neighboring garrison,
which not beeing able to make their entrance, were most
of them cut in pieces by the French.
There is yet no motion of the maine body of th Spanish
Army, but the greatest of their Forces lie near, [unr]th, and those
that are under the Prince of Conde enquar[unr]ered about Neville.
This non progress of theirs makes them somwhat doub full of
Relief at Valenchienne, and therefore its thought they within
the City, are in heart enclined to hearken to the French Kings
Offers, they having no great Force to maintain it, not much
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