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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

above an hundred Horse, and 1000 Foot, so that in all probability
they will not, cannot long hold out against the great
[unr] of the French, though by the continuall Fires which
they make, they seem outwardly resolved to defend themselves
The Severall Justices of the peace of the City and Liberty of
westminster in the county of Middlesex, having agreed
upon, and ordered to be made use of in the [unr] City and
liberty, a new Forme for the Condition of Recognize [unr]
to be granted to all Alehousekeepers [unr], it is [unr]
set to be communicated, to the end it may be [unr] the
other parts of this Nation, being conceived necessary to the
publique advantage.
THe Condition of this Recognizance is such, that whereas
the above named is admitted, licenced
and allowed by the above named Justices, to keep a common
Alehouse and Victuling house, until the day of
next coming, and no longer, in the House wherein it [unr]
[unr] in the Parish of and not [unr]
where, if therefore the said shall keep one of more
[unr] Bed or Lodging for Waisarring men and Passengers,
and shall not (during the time aforesaid) permit of suffer any
Traveller, Waggoner, Earcher, Higler, Drover, or any of their
servants, to come into his House after Twelve of the Clock
on any Saturday night, nor shall suffer any person to travel
from thence until one of the C[unr]oc on Monday nothing,
without good and urgent cause allowed by some justice of the
Peace within the said Liberty, and shall [unr] of suffer
[unr] person or persons (not being one of his Family) [unr] or
[unr] in his House on any Lords day, or F.A day contrary
to the Law in this case made and provided. And st[unr]ll not
profanely swear, or Curse, be Drunk, or [unr] any [unr]
to be in his find [unr], and [unr] not suffer any [unr] or
playing at Billard-Tables, Shovelboard-Tables, Dice, Cards
Tables, Nine-pine, Loggets, Pigeon-holes, Q[unr] Tr [unr],
Bowling Alley or Bowling Croch, or any other unlawful
[unr] his House, yard, Eachside or any other place to his
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