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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

From Venice, June 3.
Three ships are arived at Candis, and 2. are come from the
Archipelago, who report that ours and the Turkish fleet, are
within Musket shot one of another; so we are like to have som
news suddenly. Some say, that ours have set on, and beaton
the Turks with great loss on their side, and the loss of some
officers of our part, the Generalissimo being wounded. We
are pursing the Ships of Barbary. The Plague breaks forth
in many Islands. Many of those in the Archipelago do yeeld
to the paying of a Tribute to this Commonwealth. The
Galleys of the Pope, and of Malta, are to go and join with
ours. The Duke of Mantua is arived here incognito. Our new
Prince, elected few weeks since, is deadly sick, yea he is judgd
already dead. So persons do daily die of the plague at Naples
and the Evil increases more and more.
From Vienna. May 30
The Archduke Leopoldus is daily expected here. The Levies
do go on, and the County is exhausted by the quartering
of soldiers. The Spanish Ambassador is to be gone, and the
Marquis of Fuentes to succeed. The French Ambassador has
taken offence for not having been received with ceremonies
enough. Ragotzkies levies do continue. Such is have publisht
the K. of Swedens death, are much confounded now. The
Swedish Ambassador Mr clay has likewise taken much offence
upon such sained News, which the Emperor excused, as being
done without his privity. The said Ambassador from thence
went to a Booksellers shop, where finding such defamatory
pieces, he threatned him that he would cause him to be soundly
c[unr]dgelled, asking of him, who had given him liberty to sell
such Libels against Princes. The Popish Post of November 1,
Abandio-Semigliano, was so audacious as to boast, that hee
would shew his Friends the Head of the K. of sweden in a bag,
and thereupon he hath bin preffered by the Priests, and had a
golden Chain given him. The Jesuits at Muricken have plaid
a Comedy, wherein they brought in a Pole, who on his Knee
presented a bloody Sabre or Sword to K. Casimir sitting on a
Throne, wherewith he had cleaved the K of Swedens back,
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