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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

who for being the author of the death, and of the supposed
assassination of the said King, was honored with the power to
be the Kings companion during his life. It a [unr]
A[unr] from Rome, May 29.
The Conceit of the Court of Rome is verifying now. They
always thought at the Pope would be necessitated to doe as
did us Predecesso, viz. To call his kindred to make use of
their in carrying at a great burrton of the Church, there being
none other whom he can trust. There will be shortly a promot
on of Cardinals, it is thought that Prince Leopold with
be the first the others will be Dom Flavis chiss 3 other
Princes, viz, Parma, I[unr]spruck, and the son of the late Prince
Th[unr] It is reported here, that an Englishman, hath [unr]
imprisoned, who hath bin long they say in these parts, and that
he was to take the Plane of all the sea-cowns of Italy, the
plant of Civita [unr]his with all the distances of the Sea and
of the Hils having bin found about him.
From Caira, June 13.
The Papists at Cherbabstein do mightily oppose the construction
[unr]building outs do intend to make of a new Temple at
Stalls: Some of them came thither, and dispersad the Workmen
with great violence and insolency: whereupon our surperios
met here yesterday to consult about that business, and
have thought sit to make an Assembly of 3 of each League to
center thereupon, and summon the parties before them, that
they might procure, if possible, an amicable composition of
that business which God gran. As long as we have in out
[unr]ishes that cursed generation of the Capuchin [unr] we shall
never he as rest a For they do stil foment disturbances by their
practices. But the news from Poland does not please them, and
they do not keep so great quarter now, as they dud a fortnight
since. Our good God be pleased to assist his own, for the
maintaining of his Church.
From Lyon, June 23, Stilo nove.
By the last from Switzerland, we hear, that the Arbicrator
Cantons, and the Judges appointed, were setled and sworn, and
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