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Mercurius politicus, Number 315, 19th-26th June 1656 E.494[4]

they are to joyn with the Dane, others say with the Muscovi[unr], and [unr]
for Narve, which a short time will shew; but so yet there is no certainty.
Some say here also, that the Holland Ambassador hath told
the K. of Sweden if he attempt any thing against this Town, they will
assist them. This is the fruit of various discourse and phansie. Here
now they press upon the English Merchants, who reside here, to
pay all hostile Contribution, contrary to his Highness the Protectors
Letter, whereas the said Merchants desire to keep Amity with all men,
especially with those who are in Aliance with the English State, and
with those with whom they have daily commerce; but contrary to the
Laws of God and Man, this will not be permitted them. But here
they will force them into enmity against their friends, which, hath
caused the said English, to desire leave to depart in some convenient
time, if they Cannot be protected in their common Liberties; whereto
the President replied, six weeks time would hardly be granted and
that at their departure they must leave their Tenths; which Law of
theirs extendeth not to the English, every man having liberty by the
Laws of England, to dispose of his own [unr]ate, as he pleaseth; but it
ought to extend onely to the adjacent Cities and places, where the like
is practised against them of this City, in the interim, they have begun
to distrain on the English whereof this day they have complained to
the Secretary of State, desiring protection from violence and oppression
on for, now they are not permitted to be masters of their principals,
nor of their own goods, but are are as [unr] in a prisons subject to [unr]
please to impost upon them. Of late there hath been several skirmishes between
the Polanders and Swedes; some attribute the best to the Polandters, others to the
Swedes. This Town was in an Alarum this night by some swedes that came near
the Town, to drive away cattle. From Elbing they write, that the Swedes are
Victors, and that the Polanders will not stand.
Whitehal, June 10.
The humble Petition of the Bailiff and Bargesses of the Borough
of Blandford, Forum in the County of Dorset. was referred to the
Committee of the Council, for renewing of Charters, to Consider of
their desire for renewing the Charter for that Borough.
Several Augmentations were granted.
June 12. Several other Augmentations were granted.
It was Ordered. That Peter Be[unr], William Sheppard, Thomas
Manley, and Gabriel Beck, Esquiresor any two of them, be a
Committee to consider of all Charters of Corporations, the renewing
where of shall be prayed; and they or any two of them are impowred
to receive such Charters and the several Alterations which
shall be proposed to be made therein; As also [unr]consider of the
said Alterations, and to draw them up in such Form and with
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