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Mercurius politicus, Number 316, 26th June-3rd July 1656 E.494[8]

earnest desire of severall Gentlemen of the Countrey,
both English and Scots, delayd the execution
of the same, sentence pronounced against them, as
it is said, untill the first Wednesday of November
next, 1656
Helene Wallace, accused for murther of her own
child, convict thereof by an assise, and ordained
therefore by the Commissioners upon Saturday the
17 of May 1656. to be taken to the ordinary place
of Execution for the Burgh of Aire, and there betwixt 2,
and 4 houres in the afternoon to be hanged
while she be dead, and all her moveable goods
to be Escheat.
Dumfrieze, May 13.
Jane Cranfaird accused for the murther of her
own childe, gotten by her in adultery with Alex:
mac Culloch in Ringany, a marryed man, and being
put to an assise therefore, was found guilty both of
the adultery and murther, and ordained by the
Commissioners therfore to be hanged at the Burgh
of Dumfrieze, and all her moveable to be escheat.
William Maklehassie accused of bestiality with
his own Mare, being put to an assise therefore, was
convict of the said Crime, and ordained to be taken
to the ordinary place of Execution for the Burgh
of Dumfrieze, upon May 21, and there betwixt 2,
and 4 houres in the afternoon to be strangled at a
stake till he be dead, and thereafter his body to be
burnt to ashes, and his goods to bee Escheat, and
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