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Mercurius politicus, Number 334, 29th October-6th November 1656 E.499[12]

first had a sight of a man of War belonging to St Sebastian,
and presently gave us notice by firing of Guns. Whereupon
we made after the man of war, and in a short time made him
our owne, and have brought him in here. he is a Frigat of
12. Guns, and 100. men, of whom 86. are now on board,
the rest are sent home in a Hollander laden from Lisbon with
Sugars and Tobaccos, which (they say) belong to the French.
Hee hath been out of St Sebastian 24. daies, hath taken no
English. The Captain is a Spaniard, his name Michael De
Lundres; the Frigats name is The Lady Mary.
From Saxonie October 21.
On monday last his Electoral Highness our gracious Prince
in the year of his age 73. and in the year of his r[unr] 45.
dyed at Dresden having setled first on his Eldest son Duke
John George the succession of the Electoral Dign.
Out of the lower Silesia October 2. 1656
Some butyers of people seeing they had but little worke
have ploted together, that one of them should learne of the
Devill how to make a powder, which he should distribute to
his Comraids to throw in the Churches, Fountains, and other
publick places, which was executed and hath caused a great
infection, so that at Krapis a small town 2500. people dyed
by that pouder. Whereupon the Chiefest familys withdrew
into the Country; since which it happened that a Hog belonging
to one of the said Buryers of people having got out of
his house ran to the Country where the people was retired,
and upon his coming having been shot, the said Buryer became
mad and threatned al his men that they should dye very
suddenly. The same Buryer told a Gentleman, who lamented
his wife lately dead, that he wondred at him to lament
so, since he was within a day to go the same way. The Magistrate
hath had advise of all those, whereupon the said Buryer
was apprehended, and upon the rack confessed his Crime and
all his Complices, who according to their desert have been
put to death with great tortures.
From Milan, October 13. 1656.
The Germans lately came hither, do commit great insolencies
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