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Mercurius politicus, Number 334, 29th October-6th November 1656 E.499[12]

much above what the French have don. They have
plundered many Monasterys, and chiefly two hard by. They
have burnt down a Village and plundered the guards of our
Governers so that the affairs of this state cannot be in a worse
condition then they are now. They spare not the very
Churchmen, but commit great violences and insolencies upon
them, which hath forced many families to forsake their
houses and goods and to fly from that unlucky suply. Abundance
of Piedmontois and Grisons are working about the
Fortifications of Valenza. The French are about Tanaro and
our men in Alessendrino. The Imperialists are upon the lands
of Vogesa. Tortona and Cassellaccio. A quantity of Timber
is preparing to build some Barques upon the Po.
From Lyon October 27.
They write from Switzerland that the Lords Arbitrators
of the Cantons are in frequent consultations together, to settle
the peace of the Country. That the Abbot of St Gall doth
now trouble all by the molestations he useth upon his owne
subjects of Toggenburg; who are most Protestants. He doth
continue in his excuses saying that he is Prince of the Empire,
but the Cantons will have him to cary himself as a member of
the Helvetian body, or to retire unto Suabia, where he might
exercise his authority, if he can. They are now expecting
his resolution thereupon by the Express sent to him, an answer
is likewise expected of the Popish interessed Cantons touching
the dividing of the Baylywicks, after which a sentence will be
issued. There is a great talke of the Conferences which are to
be held at Constance, St Gall and Arraw. The French Ambassador
doth [unr]ill worke for the settlement of the Peace there
that so the Alsatia might be the better preserved in peace,
and oppose the v[unr]st designes of the house of Austria. The
Senator and Colonel Lieutenant Zornlin of Basil is returned
from his Government of the Italian Bailywick of Lugano,
and is to make a report of the particulars of his Government
and of the proceedings of the Neighbours and the grievances
of those parts.
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