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Mercurius politicus, Number 334, 29th October-6th November 1656 E.499[12]

The House thereupon ordered, That a Bill be brought in to revise
that Decree, made against the Trustees for buying in Impropriations
as also to propound some way to the House, for bringing in the Arears
of that Revenue, and to consider how this work may be setled and
carried on.
The House likewise referred to a Committee, the consideration of
the best Ways and Means of upholding and setling maintainance for
Ministers in England, Wales, and Town of Barwick
And it is likewise referred to the same Committee to consider and
examine, how the Tithes and profits belonging to the several Churches
in Wales; and likewise in the four Northern Counties, which are not
supplied with Ministers, have been disposed of since the several Acts
made for propagation of the Gospel in those parts, and what persons
have received the same, and how those places may be supplied with
godly and able Ministers, and with sitting maintainance.
Saturday. 1 Novemb. 1656.
Amendments being reported to a private Bill, the same were agreed,
and the Bill ordered to be ingrossed.
An Act for recovery of small Debts, and relieving of persons in
cases of small Trespasses within the respective Counties, was this day
read the second time.
Yesterday Mr. Sheppard was before the Lords Commissioners of
the Great Seal sworn, and admitted Serjeant at Law.
From Portsmouth the news is, That care is taking to bring the Silver
up by Land, which was taken in the Spanish Gallion.
They write thence, that General Montagu in his way home, me[unr]
with General Brayn off at Sea, on the 19 instant, about sixty Leagues
W. S. W. from Silly, with six sail of his own Company bound for
Jamaica, and a Convoy of four Frigots. Viz. The Gainsborough;
Nightingale, Fagons, and the Paradox.
Octob. 29, In the afternoon in the Court of Wards, sate the Committee
concerning Scotish Affairs.
In the Dutchy Chamber, sate the Committee concerning the business
of Drury house.
In the Star-Ch[unr]ber met the Committee about the Bill concerning
County Registers.
In the Chequer-Chamber sate the Committee of Priviledges, and
they had before them the business about the Elections made for the
County of Middlesex.
From Paris, November 1.
for the long peregrination of Cardinoll de Reiz wee
[unr] length setled at Colen, from whence he hath written
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