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Mercurius politicus, Number 334, 29th October-6th November 1656 E.499[12]

We hear nothing from our Army, but that they are [unr]
far from Avennes, continually expecting Orders for their
Monsieur de Lyonne being returned from the Court of
Spain, hath been at Court to render an account of his Negotiation.
It seems he came to no conclusion upon the Treaty;
But its said, that since his return, the K. of Spain hath written
hither for a renewing of the Treaty, and thereby signified
that he will send some person, for a further debate of matters,
which are in difference betwixt the two Crownes.
From Vienna, October 18.
Their Imperial Majesties, having left Archduke Leopold on
his way to Silesia (where he is to stay a month with the Army)
returned hither yesterday with their Son the King of
Hungarie; but its beleeved, the Pestilence will soon Fright
them hence to Ebersdorff.
We have news brought, that there are two Ambassadors
coming hither from Poland; the one on the behalf of the
Polish King, the other in the name of the Estates of that
Kingdom, who are to make several Propositions to the Emperor
before the concluding of the Treaty, now depending at
Vilna, betwixt the great Duke of Moscovie and the Polish
Kings Commissioners, in which Treaty many difficulties doe
From Rign, October 18.
I have written to you with the last Post; but seeing many
alterations have happened since, concerning the Moscovian
affairs, I thought good to inform you thereof by this opportunity
at Sea: whereas the Moscovites had laid siege to this
City round about, from the 23 of August, till the date here of,
for six weeks space, and slung many hundred Granadoes into
the City mornings and evenings, whereby the houses and the
roofs thereof were mightily battered down, and many men
hurt and destroyed; however many by Gods providence
were not hurt in such houses on which those granadoes fell the
Enemie indeed expected by this means to set the Town on
fire, yet he could not prevaile that way, onely the City stable,
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