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Mercurius politicus, Number 334, 29th October-6th November 1656 E.499[12]

in Moscovie; and that he had defeated two of his Armies and
taken prisoners two Generalls of his and that there is a mutiny
in the City of Moscovie which forced the Patriatch and
the Great Dukes Lady to fly thence, who are arived at Polozko
in white Russia. Also, hee relates, that his forces forsake
him in great abundances wee hope God will strike him with
more feare to leave all, and runaway. This Enemie is driven
away from this City, no by any humane power, but Gods
gracious providence sent him packing, to whom be proise
and honor for evermore. His grace and mercy bee on us, and
grant us his peace, and deliver us from all our enemies.
These are to certisie that the several Tythes hereafter mentioned
vested in the Trustees for maintenance of Ministers, being out
of Lease, the Trustees have appointed to Let them on the severall
days hereafter mentioned; at which time all persons that
please have liberty to treat with the Trustees for them.
The County, The name of the Tithes, Day for contracting,
Berks East Challow 25 November next
Bucks Woodesdon portion of Tyths, 18 November
Wirardsbury, 25 Nov.
Cambridg West Wratting 25 Nov.
Essex Great Sampford, 6 Nov.
Steeple Bumstead 20 Nov.
Gloncester Kilpecks in the Parish of Toynton, parcel of Mary
de Load. A parcel of Tithes in Mary de Load, late
in the tenure of Elizabeth Evans. A parcell of
tithes in Mary de Load, late in the tenure of William
Wayte. Almondsbury 4 Decemb. Next
Hereford Martins Hereford, Gotheridge, 25 Nov.
Ganerew and Colebrain 27 Nov.
Preston upon Wye, Middleton, Walney, Joy, 27 Nov.
Halmer in Huntingdon 20 Nov.
Kent Brockland Milton alias Middleton, 25 Nov.
W[unr] and Beauxfield, Dodingdale and Castle
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