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Mercurius politicus, Number 334, 29th October-6th November 1656 E.499[12]

From Hamburgh, October, 21.
The News of the Moscovites quitting the siege of Riga is
now confirmed.
The Dantzickers, being confident that the Polish K. will suddenly
be with them, he being entred into Pomerellia with his
Army, are very busily preparing to receive him in Triumph.
The Swedes rosolving to put the issue of all upon a Batteh,
are collecting all their Forces together near Thoren On the
other side of Prussia, the Tartars and Samoites having entred
that part of the Country which belongs to the Elector of
Brandenburgh, and defeated part of his Force, doe spoile all,
and burn both Towns and villages; they have lately taken the
castle of Rein.
The Emperor being jealous of too near a confederacie be.
twixt France and Sweden, it is the common opinion in these
parts, that he will declare warr against them both.
Here is much discourse about the Prizes taken by the English
upon the Coast of Cadiz, at which some rejoyce, but
many of the Hamburgers shrunk their Shoulders at the news,
having been Insurers for the Spaniard.
From Paris, November 4. S. N.
There is news come to Court, that the Emperors son the
King of Hungarie is to marry the Infanta of Spain.
On the 30. of October, the King fer forth an Edict, bearing
date the 26. of the same month, wherein among other things
there contained, his Majesty maker box press Prohibitions to
all his Subjects, of what condition soever they be, that they
henceforth weare not upon their Cloths or ornaments any
Gold or Silver; Also all persons, both men and women;
are forbidden to wear upon their Garments any thing for
trimming, save only one silke lace, or one row of Buttons at
the Seames and Edgings. They are prohibited likewise to use
any Robinds, points round Points, Knots, or other kind of
gauderies whatsoever, save only such Rabbands and Knots as
are needfull only to serve for [unr]tying; also to have upon their
linen any kinds of [unr]aces, purles, or the like made of Thread,
Pints of G[unr], Pontighed, [unr] sorts of what name
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