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Mercurius politicus, Number 330, 2nd-6th October 1656 E.499[4]

our men, and puts them in heart and patience to
expect the Spanish Armada, which we are in continuall
hope of meeting; and doubt not but in the
end we shall be able to return his Highness and the
Commonwealth a good Account of our Services.
From Zurick in Switzerland 11 of September.
The Dyet of Baden is againe ended; but not as
yet the affairs and differences decided. They have
set 40 days, where the Lords Deputys have done
very much in taking the informations of so many
particular causes, and the Replys. And seeing
they were much disturbed at Baden, they desired
of the intressed Cantons a superceding of the affairs
and some time to confer privately about a
friendly accomodation or a finall sentence. It is not
thought that the project be of any effect. The
party es are too farr assunder in their opinions; Uri
and Schwitz are very obstinate, and therefore
some decision must be made of the difference. That
delay hath been obtained with much difficulty, for
the people expected an end The Deputys of the
small Cantons above all the rest, expected it not.
In September they will meet againe, and the
Protestant Cantons will keep a generall Fast on the
21 of the same, to which we wish God may give a
blessing. In the meane while they are preparing
to all events. The Militia is a framing, and is to be,
brought to its ancient model with a Counsel of war
without so many severall Generalitys.
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