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Mercurius politicus, Number 330, 2nd-6th October 1656 E.499[4]

Some certaine Articles had been drawn for renewing
the Amity with France, but they do not
please the Ambassador who would have no alteration
made in the old articles, but divers abuses
having crept therein, we will endeavour to take
them off and hinder the further opprobrie of the
Nation by the name of Mercenaries they have
thereby brought upon themselves. The Protestant
Cantons are well united, God keep them in that
union, which will be for our good.
Here is a great talke of Peace between the two
Growns. It will be when pleaseth God. They are
yet far enough from it. We hear that Mr Dury is
still in Holland. Our Brethren in Piedmont have
now some rest. Some collection will be moved for
our Nicodemits of Schwitz in the forrain Countries
for the setling of their families, and England will
be desired to contribute also. The Papists are proud
of the coming of the Imperialists; but God may
frustrate their hopes. We keep up our fortifications
at Wadensch wil and Capel, those of Rapersch will
being up stil. A project hath been made at Milan for
a reall fortification, which goes on, but it is thought
we will endeavour to hinder it: God grant us
strength enough, with the means and necessary
blessings to act in case of need, with greater success, &c.
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