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Mercurius politicus, Number 330, 2nd-6th October 1656 E.499[4]

we trust it wil by the same good hand be sanctified unto us. We
humbly take leave and temaine.
From on board the Naseby in the
Bay of Wiers, Sept. 19. 1656.
Robert Blake
Your Highness very faithful
and obedient Servants,
E. Mountagu.
An Account touching the King of Spain's West India Fleet,
as followeth, and of the great destruction befallen the Spanards
in the Indies.
THe Spanish West-India Fleet consisted of 8 ships, where us
2 are taken and in our possession, 3 sunk and burnt (as the
prisoners say, but our men Write 4 sunk and burnt and 3 escaped
(ours say but 2.)
The Amirall ship (Don Marcus Del Porto, an old soldier
Generall) reported to have in her in Plate about six hundred
Thousand Pieces of Eight. He carried the less, in regard that
the Rear-Admirall was esteemed a mere esperienced and
trusty person and a sitter ship for burthen) was run ashore in
the Bay of Cadiz.
The Vice Admirall, a Gallion (Don Francisco Dc Esqueuel,
a Biscainer, Commander) reported to have in her about six
hundred Thousand pieces of Eight, besides upon the Account
of the Marquis of Baydex, in lewels and Plate five hundred
Thousand pieces of Eight,) was taken by our ships, and after
set on fire by the Spaniards themselves, and so burnt down and
sunk. In her was the Marquis of Baydex, Governor of Limain
Peru, and his Wise, Children, and Family; and all burnt, except
his eldest son Don Francisco Lopez, and Don Joseph de
Sunega a younger Son, and two of the Sisters, Donna Josepha
and Catallna, and a little Child of a year old, who are now
aboard our ships. With the Father was burnt his eldest
Daughter, who was intended to be married in Spain to the
Son of the Duke of Medina Cell. There were saved of other
persons of divers qualities in her about 90 in number.
The Rear-Admirall, a Gallion (Don Francisco Del Hayo
Commander) reported to have in her two Millions of Plate,
is taken, and in our Possession. We have many prisoners of
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