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Mercurius politicus, Number 330, 2nd-6th October 1656 E.499[4]

sibility of having Gold or Silver in Peru. Some of the prisoners
themselves do acknowledge, that this desolation and destruction
hath befaln the Spaniards for the Cruelties by them
acted upon the poor Indians, they not sparing even those Indians
among them who professed the Roman Catholick Religion,
inso much that the miserable Creatures being beyond
measure oppressed, and grieved with their sufferings, cryed to
Heaven for vengeance against them. Never was there a more
terrible visible hand of God in judgement upon any people
since the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. Great is the Lord;
marvellous are his doings, and to be had in reverence of all the
Nations round about.
An Advertisement.
WHereas Walter Finch a little fellow aged about 22 years, flaxen haired,
whi[unr]ely faced, in a gray cloth sute, trimmed with black Ribbon, and a
large gray coat with sleeves, a large pair of boots, with a gray hat edged on the
brim with a silk and silver edgeing; And John Smith a middle sized man with
fair hair, a sad coloured Searge sute, with two rows of black hair buttons down
the breeches, a stuffe sad coloured large coat with sleeves, a large pair of boots, and
a sad gray hat, with a sreckled face, and a thin sharp nose, who were prisoners in
the Castle of Gloucester, for the treasonable coyning of false Coin, did the 24. of
September last, about twelve in the night, selloniously break the said Goal, with
one Thomas Bye of Cyrencester, in the said County Woulcomber, a tell fellow, aged
25 yeers, in a gray sute, long visage, with pock holes in his face, with smooth
brown hair, he being there a prisoner for debt, and from thence all three of them
escaped and fled: There are therefore to acquaint all manner of persons, that
if they can give notice of them or any of them, to the end they may be apprehended
and taken, that such person or persons that shall give notice or cause to be apprehended
them or either of them, shall have for their pains in so doing five
pounes a piece, for every of the said three Prisoners that shall be so apprehended
and taken, and to give notice thereof to Mr. Christopher Salter in Vine. Court without
Bishops gate, or to Mr Henry Christian a Leather seller, at the Black boy in Panier
alley, or to Mr Stephen Halford keeper of the said Geal at Glocester.
Westminster, Thursday, October 2. 1956.
DIvers Members of the House being Chosen for severall places, did
make their election for which place they would serve; whereupon
Writs were Ordered to issue for new Elections in the vacant places
Severall Letters of Intelligence from the Fleet were read, and thereupon
the Parliament Resolved,
That a Day of Thanksgiving be appointed to bless the Lord for the
great Metey by him vouchsafed to this Commonwealth, in the successe
given to some of their Ships against the Fleet of the King of Spain
coming from the West-Indies.
The House appointed to keep the Day on Wednesday next at Margarets
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