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Mercurius politicus, Number 330, 2nd-6th October 1656 E.499[4]

From Hambourgh the 23 of September.
Since my last, his Excellency the Swedish Ambassador
Bonde arrived here from England safely on saturday last, and
this day the Generalissimo Prince Adolph departed hence to
Staden, to set forth his Journey to Viane to be cured there of
his fall he had in Poland. This day the 3 Scotish companies,
that were left behinde, as also 4 companies of the Duringish
Regiment marched away out of the Dukedom of Bremen,
and his Excellency the Earle of Koningsmark is to follow himself
within few daies; intending to make a Journey into Prussia,
to waite upon the King of Sweden, from which parts we received
but little Newes by the last post. Her Majesty the
Queen of Sweden, wife of the King, makes preparations to
return into Sweden is gone to Balga to confer with the The K.
Elector of Brandenburg, but when he is to set forth his Journey
to Riga, is uncertain as yet. His Excellency the Field Marshall
Steinbock is marched away from before Danzick; and
his Excellency the fieldmarshall Wrangel is gone that way, and
tis thought that the said Field Marshall Wrangel it to go with
the King into Liffland: In the mean time it is hoped, that the
succour, that was sent to Riga is by this time safely arrived.
From Roven the 6 of September 1686. S. N.
The Archbishop of this City having of late most unjustly
prosecuted an Advocate of this Parlament called Monsieur de
Cognard, who professes the reformed Religion, for writing
a book by order and with the aprobation of the Synod of Normandy,
in answer to a book, full of calumniations and falditys
written by a Physitian of this place, who from a Reformed
had lately turned a Papist, and the said Archbishop, by his
violent persecution, having obliged the said Cognard to
leave this City, by a just judgement of God; who useth ordinarily
to punishment in the very same things wherein they have
finned he the said Archbishopsell into the same pitt he had
digged for another, having published a most dangerous
Pamphlet here, containing this seditious doctrin, That it is lawfull
to fall on the Hereticks, and granting, tither of his Ar[unr]iepise
up all Authority or otherwise, an Indulgence or pardon
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