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Mercurius politicus, Number 330, 2nd-6th October 1656 E.499[4]

up out of those Force which lately came out of Cloves, and
of those which were levied here, and 8 Regiments are to be
new raised to complete them. This Body is to be commanded
by Major generall Dorssing and their Rendezvous it to be at
Custrin, whither there have been 14 pieces of Ordnance already
sent, which were taken out of the castle of this City.
From Prague, September 16.
The Coronation of the Empress was performed here on the
[unr] instant, and the coronation of the King of Hungarie on
the 14 following, in presence of the Emperor himself, his
brother Arch Duke Leopold, the Ambassador of Spain, the
Estates of Bohemia, the Vice-Roy, and all the Nobility of
the Country; the ceremonie being done in the Church of the
Castle, by the Cardinal De Harachour Archbishop, and the
chiefe B[unr]lly, with very great solemnity, during which the
great guns were thrice discharged round the City, and as many
volleys of small shot. All the Bells were rung, and new Coynes
of Gold and Silver, thrown among the People, who had also
(according to custom) bread and roasted meat distributed
among them, and two Fountains of White Wine and Clarce
running in abundance.
The Ambassador of the Elector of Brandenburgh hath represented
here to the Emperor the Reasons which induced his
Master the said Elector to joyn with the King of Sweden; praying
his Imperiall Majesty, that he will not permit the Empire to
be ingaged in this Warr by any Solicitations whatsoever.
From Coppenhaguen in Denmarke, September 17.
On the 7 of this month there were Ten of our men of Warr
set forth out of Elsenore to enter the Baltick Sea, but there is
no talk here of setting out any more. But all the care now is
to strengthen our selves by land during these doubtfull times of
Warr and trouble, not knowing which way the storm may next
be driven. I beleeve we shall muster about ten or 12000 of our
Militia. The Sieur Christian Ulrick is gone towards the coast
of Intland, to make a Rendezvous of 5000 men which are there
ready to march, and orders are given out for the fortifying of
our Frontire places.
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