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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

himself so far with, and for the Swedish King, should so far
fall back and falter in his new professed fidelity, as to conspire
the delivering of the City of Matienburg, and the said Kings
person into the hands of the enemy.
The Duke of Modena having put in execution the Kings
Orders for the disposing his Troops in their Winter quarters,
is himself desired to his own private quarter, from whence he
intends suddenly to come into France again, being every day
expected by Cardinal Mazarin, who hard prepared his own
palace to receive him, but he intends to entertain him there
incegnito. The Abbot Manzier is already gone with
Coaches to meet him. The Son of the said Duke having
married one of the Cardinals Nieces, his eminency doth what
he can to lay all manner of Obligations upon him, and will
treat him here all the time of his abode at the publike expence.
His coming is, to the end he may confer with his
Majesty, about the means of carrying on the war in Italy
at Spring, which his Majesty means to prosecute with
The Duke of Mercocur, another of our Generals in Italy,
and one who married another Niece of the Cardinal, having
been present in the Assemby of the Estates at Aix in Provance,
and done the Kings businesse there as to matter of money,
is now also preparing to come hither out of Provence,
about the letter end of this month, resolving to abide here in
Court all the time of the Carnaval:
The Processe is going on against Monsieur de Chenaille,
who stands accused about the betraying of St Quintin into the
Enemies hands.
Here hath been a great Quarrel depending betwixt the
Duke of Roquelaure, and the Marshal of Estrees. The said
Duke, for to give obedience to the ordinance made by the
Marshals of France concerning Quarrels and Duells, came and
rendred himself on Sunday last into she hands of Monsieur de
Grammont, who in the evening carried him to Bastile, from
whence he was released again about the same hour the next
Evening. The reconciliation betwixt him and the said Marquess
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