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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

was ordered on Wednesday last, but the Parties have not
as yet seen each other.
The marriage of the Duke of Nemours with Madamoiselle
de Longueville is to be completed this next week at
Trie, for which purpose the Duke is Putting himself in due
equipage with all solemnity.
The Duke of Retz hath written once again to court, to
get leave for the entertaining of his brother the Cardinal de
Retz in Bel-Isls.
From the Emperors Court we hear, that a Moscovian Ambassador
is arrived there, and had audience the next day of
his Imperial Majesty.
The King hath sent Sieur Bosquet into Flanders, to
treat about the exchange and ransoming of Prisoners
of war.
We have news come by the way of Metz, (but what Credit
to give to it we know not) that an Express brought and advice
to Spire, Mentz, land Triers, concerning the death of the
The persons that the employed in adorning the Theatre,
and making the clothes and habits for the dancing of the
Baller, have had some daies, of respite, haste not being so
great as formerly, because the Court is but newly in monrning
for the death of the Cardinals sister, Madam de Manch [unr] so
the dancing of that fair piece is put off till the latter end of
this month.
On Wednesday the Swedish Count Tot had his first audience
of the King.
From Venice, 13 Dec.
We hear this from our Sleet, that after the taking of the
Island Stalimene, and having put garisons into the For s they
sailed for Sc[unr]ro and Zia, to refresh themselves, in the mean
while they sent our G[unr]llions to the fortifying of the Island
The City took into service, the Marquis Villa Nova, who
the last year has the Superintendency in Dalmatia; he hath a
Commission granted him to levy 2000 foot, but for what
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