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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

case the River shall be Frozen more hard, then his Majesty will
resolve upon some action.
The King of Poland and the Cirie of Dantzick in a Conference
resolved, that overtures of a peace should be made
with Sweden; thereupon the French Ambassador went instantly
to the King of Sweden, and the Holland Ambassadors
are to follow.
There hath as yet been no further proceeding against the
Polish Vice Chancelor Radziecouski: Much inquirie is made
into that conspiracy of his concerning the Cossacks, whom he
hath kept off very much to the prejudice of the Interest of
Westminster, Thursday, 1 Jan. 1657.
The House appointed tomorrow seven-night to be set apart
for a day of Humiliation to be kept in the House, and
ordered, That Doctor Reynolds, Mr. Barker. And Mr. Caryl,
be desired to be assisting in carrying on the work of that day
of Humiliation in the House.
That Tuesdaies, Wednesdaies, Thursdaies, and Fridaies,
in every week, be set apart for publick Business, and no private
business to be offered or admitted these days.
That no Committee do sit on Thuesdaie, Wednesdaie,
Thursdaie, or Fridaie, in every week, upon any private business.
An Additional Bill for the better improvement and advancing
the Receipts of the Excise and New-Impost, was
this day read.
Friday, 2 Jun.
An Act for repeal of certain Branches in an Act, intituled
An Act touching Corn and Meak, was this day read.
A Bill for the Better amending and repairing the Highwaies
of this Commonwealth, was this day read the Second
time, and committed.
A Bill for transporting of Fish in foreign Bottoms, was this
day read the second time, and committed to the Committee
for Trade.
The House adjourned till Monday next.
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