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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

Whitehal, Dec.
It is ordered by his Highness an the Council, that Sir
Henry vane, and Mr. Feak, be set at libertie.
A List of Several Returns lately made of the Names of
divers persons chosen to fit in the present Parliament,
for certain Boroughs and Corporations in England,
wales, and Scotland, ad followeth.
Nathanael Waterhouse Esq; instead of Major Gen. Berry,
who was elected to serve elswhere.
Robert Atkins Esq; upon the Lord Cleypools electing to
serve for the County of Northampton.
Isle of Wight.
William Lawrence of Wraxol, in the County of Dorset,
Esq; upon Col. Sydenhams electing to serve for the Said
county of Dorset.
Orkney, Zetland, Caithnes, Sheriffdoms
in scotland.
Mr. Robert Stuart.
Peebles, Selkirk, and other Boroughs in
Scotland jointed with them.
Mr. John Vincent of Warnesford inf the County of York,
in place of George Downing Esq; who chose to serve for
Rigate in Survey.
Sir Thomas Pride Knight, and Co. Jerom Sankey, by two
several Indentures, upon Mr. John Goodwins electing to serve
for East Grimsted.
Lyn-Regis in Norfolk.
Sir John Thorowgood of Kensington in Com. Middlesex,
Knight, instead of General Disbrow, who chose to serve for
the County of Somerset.
Dumfrieze, Sanclare, Lockmabbin, and other
Boroughs in Scotland joyned
with them.
Col. Thomas Talbot, instead of Col. Salmon, who was
elected to serve for Scarborough.
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