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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

Elgin and Nearn Sheriffdoms in Scotland.
Richard Beak Esq; Captain of his Highnesses Life-guard.
From Konigsberg, in Prussia, 14 Dec.
The Swedish Ratification of the Treatie of peace and con.
federation, is brought in, and hath been delivered to the
Prince Elector of Brandenburgh at Labiaw by Colonel Rothlicb;
and the promised moneys are to be delivered also. The
King of Sweden in now at Marienburg to receive the French
and Holland Ambassador, who bring Propositions from the
King of Poland for to negotiate a peace. The Polnish army
lieth now in the Town Longenaw, near to the River weyssel,
consisting of Polanders and Quartians, about 12000 strong,
and are thus divided, viz. The Regiment of the General of
the Artillery Graffsinski , having eight Companies of Foot,
and four Companies or Troops of Starosts Samolski, eight
Companies of Colonel Grothuysen, five Companies of Colonel
Butters, his other three Companies lie in Conitz, and
two Regiments of Horse of Polanders, and four Foot Companies
of Prince Samolski, and Six Companies of Dantzickers
(of which most run away) Colonel Borkum commands
the Lifeguard, and lies a little way off from the Camp, and
the Trasons have eight Companies, belonging to the Lifeguard,
and two Companies of the Field-Marshal, and some
other Companies lie on the Warder near unto Dantzick. Near
Rosenberg are raised five Sconces, which guarded by the
Camp. Behinde Rosenburg our Enginer hath raised another
Fort, which he intends to keinvincible.
From H[unr]lsenore in Denmark, 16 D[unr].
The Brandenburgish Ambassadors busied still at Coppenhagen,
and the differences cannot as yet be reconciled and
determined. Resident Durels, business is not rellished at all.
Which makes us doubt, whither any peace will be concluded;
and though the Rix-Chancellor, and other great ones have
been often visited about the business, yet nothing but delays:
Lord Williamson Rosenwing is to Ambassador to Dantzick
The Lord Controller Ulfelds Lady is arived in Jutland,
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