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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

He hath no more then 1500 men as yet, what he will put
them upon, time will shew.
From the River of Rhyne 29 Dec.
The Prince Elector of Mentz and Heidelberg, having raised
the Custom on the Rhyne, the Prince Elector of Colen
doth the like.
From Madrid in Spain, 7 Dec.
We expect news shoutly from our West India Sleet, which
it is thought, will not Come in haste, orders having been Sent
with several advertisements unto them, from the Island of
Terters and the Can[unr]ics to be watchful, lest they fall into
the hands of the English shall Sea Havens great endeavrings
are to send out all the serviceable ships, to bring that flect
home safely.
Another from Dantzick 23 Dec.
we have no news from the great prince of Moscovy,
The troops Stragle much abroad over the River into the two
Warders, both into the great and the small Warder. The
Swedish have put the most of their Troops Into garisons, as
into Thorn, Elbing, Marienburg, Dirshaw, and Graudents
The French Ambassador is still with the King of Sweden at
Marienburg. The Holland Ambassadors went from Marienburgh,
to the Prince Elector of Brandenburgh having gotten
their answer from the King of Sweden, that he could resolves
upon nothing before he hath conserted with the Prince Elector
of Brandenburgh about it.
From Hamburg, 28 November. S. V.
The Swedes have Commended the most part of their horse
under General Steinbock to the borders of Prussia, towards
the Samaites, they give out, that understanding the near approach
of the Polish Queen; they have prohibited the going
out upon parties unto their Garrisons, that they might not
partake of the Indiscretion of the Dantzickers, who endeavored
and plotted to take her Majesty of Sweden in her return
out of Prussia, but the true cause, is thought to be, the
Queens bringing some thousands of freshmen with her, As
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