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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

also the certain approach of the Samoitan General with his
whose strength towards Prussia.
Touthing the Swedish Armies passing the Weyssel, we
hear no more of it, neither are they like to pass this winter,
except the River itself serve them for a Bridge, which yet its
probable enough it may, if the strong Frost which is said to
be in these parts at present) held on a while longer Letters from
Riga, confirm the peace mentioned in my last, to be made between
the Poles and Muscovians; but serveral from other parts
contradict this news, and give no credit to it: The Same Letters
from Riga relate the Muscovians use good Order and
Discipline at Dorpt, and other places in Liefland, which by
accord have submitted unto them, but the Country is extreamly
ruined by him. The poles are very confident, that
upon arival of the Queen, they shall be able not onely to resist,
but wholly vanquish the Swedish forces, and therefore
resolve to leave all propositions tending to peace and accommodation,
though they should be made never so reasonable
and tolerable unto them. The Imprisoned Polish Vice Chancellor
being demanded, why he had corresponded with the
Emperor, Muscovians, Poles, Cossacks, and others in Prejudice
of his Majesty of Sweden, is said to have answered,
Quad humanum essect errare, adding, That if his merits were
not equally ballanced with his offence, he could castly imagine
the Consequence; the Duantzick news of his having poysoned
himself continues not, it being said of him, Illum vitam
ad unguem usque ferventer amart, & excepts tyrannide
quam in suos exercuit, [unr]icnlosum esse.
Letters from Breslaw report the City of Cracovia to be
brought to great extremity : The following prophecy was
sent hither from Dantzick, who give our the same was found
by the Governor of Marienburg in casting up of a work, being
written upon, Tables of brass.
Frvstra affeCtan Do Po Lon La M 1656
ReCte per Des LIV on la M 1657
as S CCIne con CVL CaberIs Bre Ma 1658
nontIbI pLVs pareble, creDe po MeranIa, 1659
In fine Dep Lorabls Ipse sVeCGaM 1660
qVo VaDIS, MIser CaroLe[unr] 166
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