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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

These are to give notice, that the Trustees for Maintenance
of Minister, do appoint to treat for the Tithes
here after mentioned, on the days hereafter also mentioned,
when they will treat with such person or persons as
shall then make their application unto them, to take any
of the said Tithes, set the place of their sitting in the old
Pallace-yard Westminster.
County. The name of the Titbes. Day for contracting,
Bucks Beirton, Broughton, and 22 January.
Bucbland. 1656.
Denbigh Llanevid 22 Jan. 1656.
Effex Rickling 12 Feb. 1656.
Glocester { Kilpenks in Joynton, 12 Febr.1656.
Parcelsof Mary de
Almondsbury }
Parcel of Mary de Load late in the
Tenure of William Wait.
Parcel of Mary de Load, late la
the Treasure of Elizabeth Eveas.
From Brussels. December the last, Stilo novo
Things are now well ordered for the Winter quartering
of our Troops, the Province have agreed about the way of
charging themselves towards the Pay of the Soldiery, but all
the Quarters are not assigned.
Commissions are issuing out here for the making of Recruits
and new Levies.
The Major of Rocroy being accused for endeavoring to
deliver up that Place to French, the Prince of Conde hath
caused him to be apprehended, and sent prisoner to the Citadel
of Antwerpe. The Said Prince is somewhat streightned for
the quartering of his Forces, the Estates assembled at Dusseldort
having agreed to raise money for the Duke of Newbourg,
to pay the Forces which are appointed to keep the
Condean Troops out of the Country.
From the Hague, 5 Januarie S, N.
Prince Adolphus brother to the King of Sweden lyeth
here still; they say, that his Princely Highnesse is to depart
hence very shortly: the occasion of his coming hither, is Several
waies discoursed of, but no certains cause thereof as yet known.
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