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Mercurius politicus, Number 343, 1st-8th January 1656 E.500[14]

Crowns to begin the building of a new Church to be dedicated
to the Conception of the Virgin Mary, that the
might continue to stop the course of the Plague. That Feast
hath been Celebrated with extraordinary devotions. They
have likewise during three days together made a shew of the
ashes of S. John Baptist from the top of the Tower of the
Metropolitan Church . Milan hath also celebrated a great
solemnity upon a Sunday in commemoration of the house of
Loretto, where the concourse of people was very great before
that holy Statue, that the Queen of Heaven might continue
to preserve this State from the Plague. Naples doth also
acknowledge to have been freed of the same evill, by the intercession
of the apostle of the Indies S. Francis Xavier, whom
the said City hath chosen now for her new Advocate, and his
Image hath been solemnly carried to the Treasury, and set by
the other Saints and Patrons of the City. The City of
Parma hath likewise taken for her Particular and speciall Protector
in this time of Pestilence, the Same S. Francis Xavier.
Great robberies are done at Rome, in the houses of those that
died of the Plague, from whence they carry the money and
jewels which are found hide in the next mountains where
they bury the same. They marry no body there, and there
dyed at Rome this week of the Plagues the Duke of Aqua
Sparta, the Count Nicholas Soderini and the Abbot Molelli,
yet the said Plague begins little by little to diminish. The
Spanish Ambassador at Rome desires to make his Quarantain
at Ligou[unr]n. Great complains are made of the little
valour of Count de Fuensaldagn governor of Milan, who
hath again suffered another Convoy to come int Valenz.
The dispensation for the Marriage of the Duke de Nemours
with the Madamoiselle de Longueville is come from Rome The
Marquess de vile and of Piacenz[unr] are meeting at Ast[unr], with
the Duke of Modena to conset together about the quartering
of their Forces. Those of Thurin do not willingly hear of
the marriage of Prince Eugenius with the Lady Manchini,
and it is reported that his brother though he be cumb, is like
to have his estate.
From Marienburgh the 9 December,
We are at the present without any great News. His Majesty
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