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Mercurius politicus, Number 339, 4th-11th December 1656 E.500[5]

out several scouts, to warne them to take heed of the English.
From Barbados September 1.
The English Fleet of Jamaica lyeth constant about the
Havana; they took a Spanish Vessel, bound to the North of
the Isle Cuba: The Carthagena Spanish Silver Fleet are set
saile towards Europe, having order to stay at a certain place
by the way, and not hazard further (being not strong enough)
till they receive further order; they sent out afore them two
Vessels of swift falling to scout.
From Palermo in Sicilie, 29. Sept.
The Magistrates of this City by order of his Catholick
Majesty are Commanded, that the Bishop of Pattin should be
in the place of Vice Roy till the Duke of Vcade, son of our
last deceased Vice Roy, commeth, who is expected from Malta
every day, to administer in that place. The great Prior of
Navarre is arrived here.
From Messina in Sicilie 31. Sept.
Two Netherlandish ships under the Command of John
Cedions Verburg and Captain Dirck Shey are saild from hence,
to find out and encounter Turkish Pirats. Here is prohibited
all commerce, with those of Reggio and Calabria; only
som is permitted to the ships of Venice (provided they do not
come from any infected place, which narrow search made is
into) to made hither, the inhabitants of this City fate the worse
for this prohibition of trading.
From Lisbone in Portugall Nov. 3.
Our Navall armada is still in a good posture expecting the
returne of the Oriental-Fleet, whose retarding and staying
puts us into some doubts. Some differences, that hapned
here, are taught to be accomodated, by Count De Sariedas,
who acted as Vice Roy of Goa, being sent thither by his Majesty
of Portugal when Don Brass De Castro, the Ringleader
of the Mutinous party, was laid hold on. The Brasile-Fleet
is ready to go hence under the command of Don Antonio
Jacques de Magalhans. In the meane while 10000. of our
foot and 4000. horse are ready to go against the Spaniards.
From Vienna 20. Nov.
Here is setting out an Extraordinarie Embassador to the
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