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Mercurius politicus, Number 339, 4th-11th December 1656 E.500[5]

King of Poland, concerning the condition of the assistance
agreed upon, and he goeth from the Court with the more
haste, because it seemeth, that Sweden laboreth to make all
the world to be against Poland, the Princes of Transylvania,
Wallachio, Moldavia and Podolia the Swedes stirs up, because
himself is not able alone to performe the work which he
undertook. His Imperial Majesty is some what offended, being
it is credibly reported, that Sweden hath promised assistance
to the Crown of France, concerning Alsatia now questioned.
And that from France monies have been sent to the
Swedes, to set on foot againt a German war.
From Marselles, Novemb. 22.
Lord Celio Piccolomini secretary of the State, and Popes
Nuntio, being sent extraordinary to the king of France, concerning
the general peace, is now arrived here from Rome,
and is going away from hence tomorrow toward the Court.
Here is brought in a Turkish Pirate, having six pieces of ordnance
mounted, and forty Copps.
From Vienna 23. Nov.
At the Court they make all the haste to dispatch the Polonian
Embassadors, and dailie conference is held with the
Lord General Hatzfield, and other High Commanders, and
the Archduke Leopold, in his Bishoprick of Silesia hath given
several orders, to have all things provided for the future, and
hath viewed also all the strongholds in that Country, and
Moravia likewise, and caused store of provision and ammunition
to be put in he is either to day or tomorrow expected
to come hither: and not only the Emperors leavying of forces
(for the which special taxes are raised upon houses) for the
recruiting of the old regiments, but also preparations for war
by Prince Ragoizy of Transylvania, to second the Swedes
(as it seems) are made with all expedition, and it is reported,
that Prince Ragotzi hath already on foot a great body of
Soldiers. More of the mutinous Soldiers have been executed
according to their desert, and others are condemned to work
in the moats here about the City.
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