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Mercurius politicus, Number 352, 5th-12th March 1657 E.502[11]

Most serne and most mighty King, and most honored Lord,
WIth how much the greater difficulty, both in respect
of the Times and Passages, I am put to it, in communicating
an Account of my good affection towards your
Majesty, so much the more earnestly (I conceive) I ought to
endeavour to seek the more frequent occasion of expressing
it towards your Majesty. And although it be not long since, to
wit on the 12 of December, that I by Letters presented my
Respects to your Majesty, and therein communicated divers
Things to you, which tend to the more strongly confirming
of that bond of Amity which is betwixt us, and though I
doubt not but those Letters are or will shortly be delivered
to your Majesty; yet I conceive I ought not by any means to
omitt the present opertunity, but take occasion to testifie to
your Majesty my readiness to do those things which may conduce
to the accomplishment of both oar desires, in order to
promoting of the common Good. By these lines I present my
devoted affections to your Majesty, beseeching God to bestow
upon you a long continuance of Health, for the good of
Christendom, and prosperous success in all your affairs.
Given at my Castle of Colos-Monoster, December. 28. 1656.
Your most Serene and most Excellent
Majesties ready Servant.
G. Ragotzi.
Post-Scripts written in Ciphers.
MOst Serene King, my intent is to enter Poland by the
22 of January, S. N; which your Majesty make use of
as you find occasion. There is a Rumor (which truly I can give
no credit to) that your Majesty enclineth to in Accommodation
with the Polanders. The same was reported also to the
Cossacks; whereupon they also are earnest suitors that you
would not yield to it. But I have assured them, that those Rumors
are meer devices of the Polanders; the great Duke of
Moscovie repents, that he hath been led on, by the inst[unr]gation
of others, to take up arms against your Majesty. His Ambassadors
are now upon the way comming to me, of whose Negotiations
your Majesty shall receive a certain Account.
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