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Mercurius politicus, Number 357, 9th-16th April 1657 E.502[21]

being forced to burthen that part of the Country where they
lye. He expects some men should come to him, which have
been raised by Middleton, in and about Dantzick; who being
a Scotchman hath done the Dantzickers some service, as
well as his master, by tempting many Scots away, that were
under service of the Swede thereabout: But what he will do
with those men, is not to be imagined, because this Country
will be unwilling to receive them, and it would not be the safest
way to bring them hither, because the King of Spain having
occasion for men, might perhaps employ them in his own
service here, this next Campani; against the French.
From Hamborough 4 of April.
Four dayes agoe arrived here the president Lord Rhine
shield, coming from Pomerania: his Negotiating is not
known. The King of Denmark followeth the raising of men
very eagerly. They say that Key Culk one of the chiefest
Gentlemen Denmark, hath his regiment compleat, and
the zeale of many private persons if very hot to raise some
forces, and maintain them upon their own charges. Every day
forces resort and rendezvouz together, coming out of
Denmark, they say that 6000 are in a body about Rensburg,
who are said to have raised a sconce on this side of the said
City; and their Rendzvouz is appointed in Hollatia, to the
end, that they may with more safety ass[unr]le, the frontiers. The
Dyet at Flensberg is ended, the result whereof was to raise a
great sum of money and to billet the Souldiers: They say that
at Coppenhagen a dyet is to be held the 25 of April.
Wee are cerified from Dentzick that Prince Ragotzi hath
invaded Poland, and the King of Poland, and the Tartars,
and other forces are joyned to go against the said Prince
From Constantinople, 1 of March.
There arrived here two daies agoe a Capagi from the Bassa
of Bossine, intimating, that the said Bassa had bestowed on
him a present of 1500 Rixdollers, and a piece of Scarlet cloth
because he should assure the great prince, how diligent the
said Bassa is in procuring and Providing all such necessaries,
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