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Mercurius politicus, Number 357, 9th-16th April 1657 E.502[21]

which tend to the defence of his government: and that hee is
firmely bent, that the former resolution should hold, conceruing
the siege to be laid against the Fort Zara in Dalmatia,
being the chiefest Fort in those Territories, which being
taken, would make many other places Surrender, without
any shedding of blood. At this time we have no newes
arrived concerning the Persian affaires.
From Lisbone, 10 of March.
There is great noise heard of sounding of Trompets, and
beating of Drums for to gather souldiers under the Banner of
Mars, but to what intent, it is not Well known: however it
is generally beleeved, that the design goeth directly against the
Castilian, because the Spanish threaten, to bring forces from
Catalonia, as well as from Spain, to act against us, by offensive
and defensive hostilities. Six ships laden with suggar,
came from B[unr]sill, and are arrived in the river, one which
went away from the companie of these was taken by a Zealand
At the Sessions in the Old-Baily the 11 of April.
There were eight Men, and two Women condemned to die for several Felonies
and Burglaries, amongst Which was one Benjamin Show, formerly branded
in the hand, and then discharged; and within one moneth next after, was committed
for another Felony and Robery, for which he was condemned to be
hanged, but was reprieved by the mercy of the Bench and afterwards pleaded
his pardon of Transportation, and was accordingly sent on Ship-board, from
whence he made his escape, and fell to his old trade of thieving again, (being
neither warned by mercy nor judgements) for which he is now to suffer according
to his demerits. He was a fellow or a most ungodly life and wicked Behaviour
all the time of his imprisonment; be once broke the Goale, a second
time intended to have muthered one of the Keepers, and so to have escaped,
but was by Gods providence prevented, A third time he fell upon one of the
Keepers, and brake his Legg, who is not yet recovered of the same.
Three other of the condemned Men are for Horse- Stealing, the rest for Felony
The two Women, one for picking a pocket, the other for Felony.
There were 11 Men, and 3 Women burnt in the hand, three of which were
they that formerly killed the man in Chancery lane.
From Warsovia, 20 March.
This City and the neighbouring places are well garrisond,
and well provided with ammunition and provision, and the
fortifications thereof are daily repaired, and the intent is, to
make it a Fort Royal, and set strong palisadoes round about,
to make it the more tenable.
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