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Mercurius politicus, Number 357, 9th-16th April 1657 E.502[21]

The reports, concerning the coming of Prince Ragotzi his
Army caused great perplexities among us, because wee were
made bakeve, that he aimed to fall upon us: but as wee
heart now, the noise was greater then there is cause to feare
his coming hither. It is confirmed by letters that Prince
Ragotzi his Army is now before Samber; and that he hath
sent to Russye-Lembe[unr]g; to comply with him upon some agreement:
but the answer was given, that they were bound
by oath of side lity to their Lord and Master, to whom they
were resolved to be faithfull and real, and would prove themselves
honest loyall men to the Crown and king. The report
goeth, that the said Transylvanian Prince is marching now
toward Crakow, to take possession thereof, by the help and
assistance of the Swedish conjunction: where the Polonian
forces are joyning together in a body.
From Thorn, 26 of March.
Our Governor hath received certain Intelligence, that the
bodying of the Polonian forces was rendevouzed very successully
at Czestochowa, where with one mind they made a new
covenant and confirmed the same with an Oath, to fight for
Poland and their king to their utmost power, to which end all
the forces drew to a Body: and the king of Poland is resolved
to go to field very shortly. The forces, that were raised in
Ukraine, are come to the said king also. The Ruflye Sandomirie,
and Lublinish Powiates are to keep their Rendevouz before
the said Lublin, which are to be commanded by the Lord
Waywode Kiowsky. Whatsoever can set out a horse in Mazure,
are to send them to the king of Poland; and we have certain
Intelligence, that the king of Sweden is marching thitherwards.
The report goeth firmly, that the king of Poland gathereth
a stupendious Army, the like he never brought into
the field: It seemeth, both the Gentry and common people
are resolved in a desperate way to perish rather in the field, then
to submit to the Swedish power and Government.
From Turin 26 of March.
The Duke of Modena hath sent an Expresse to the king of
France, intimating of a Truth, that the dissembling of the Duke
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