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Mercurius politicus, Number 357, 9th-16th April 1657 E.502[21]

of Mantua was at last discovered, who hath declared himself
absolutely to be for the Emperor and the King of Spain, and by
the consent of the Emperor, the king of Spaine accorded with
him, to have the City Casal, and other Towns, which are now
in Monferat possest by the Spanish Forces, and all other Jurisdictions,
and rights belonging to that Marquisate; shall be under
the devotion of spaine, as his right: and the said Duke is to have
from spaine for a present Enjoyment, (which the Emperor contented
and agreed unto) the City Cremona Cremonais, all the
Towns, places, and Jurisdictions or Rights belonging thereunto,
and other places, without any acknowledgment of soveranity
to be reserved for the sea of Rome, in the same manner, as
spaine holds the kingdome of Naples, and forthwith to have
firmly setled on him an assignation of Revenues in ready mony
to the value of 60000 Dukets. The Spanish approach daily nearer
to the territories of Modena, which terrifieth the inhabitants
thereof very much, because the Spanish are very strong, and the
opposition of that Country-people is inconsiderable; and not
able to keep them off in their invasion. It is much feared that
the spanish have a designe against Ast, not minding Valenza
at this time.
From Marienburg March 30.
Since the King of Sweden marcht away from Thorn, hee
eagerly pursueth his march to joyn with Prince Rago[unr]zi his
Annie: His Camp consists for the most of [unr]se and Dragoons
and some light Field Guns. Count Steenbock income hither;
and the Prince Palatine of Sutzbach is expected, to command
the remainder of the Forces, which stayed here. The sad
Camp, and the Brandenburgish forces, that are joyned with
the other, consists of 18000. men, which indeed is a gallant
Armie, as hath been beheld these many years. Duke Adolphus,
is gon also to Thorn, there to expect the king of
Sweden his further order.
From konigsberg March 30.
It is not confirmed, that General Gondziesky is fallen into
Curland, but indeed he matched along the frontiers of the
Dukedom, in his march toward Lieftand, where he joyneth
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