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Mercurius politicus, Number 357, 9th-16th April 1657 E.502[21]

with some Moscovian Troops. And truly we are not a little
terrified here, that the Moscovian Armies will come this year
not onely against Riga; but also against this City: To this
effect, the Bishop of of Wilda is sent Embassador in the behalf
of Poland to the great Duke of Moscovie for to demand
the treatie, projected between Moscovie and Poland.
From Rochel April 1.
There are six men of war made ready here, which are under
the command of Monsieur de Park, knight, having taken
in as many soldiers, as they could receive, and is gon to Sea
upon what designe, wet cannot tell.
Whithall, Thursday, April 9.
Discovery having been made of in Insurrection intended by a sort
of People, and that they intended to begin this night, and it being discovered
that some of them were met together at a certain house in
Shore ditch, Order was given to apprehend them; the Soldiers and
Messengers employed found there about 20 persons ready armed,
booted and spurrd, intending to have been at their appointed Rendezvous,
this night, upon Mile-end-green near White-chappel, about
9 of the clock, where others of their Party were to have met them.
When they were apprehended there were arms seised with them in the
house, and severall Hampers of Arms had been conveyed to certain
places in the Field near the said place appointed for Rendezvous,
together with printed Books and Copies of Declarations fitted for
their design, put up also in the Hampers. From thence (it is said)
they meant to have marched 8 miles this night into Essex, and to have
directed their Course towards Norfolk
With the said persons was taken also their Standard, the Device
whereof was a Red Lyon Conchant in a White Field, with this Motto
taken out of the 49 of Genesis, verse 9.via. Who shall rouse him up?
Some of the parties being asked what they meant by this Lyon, they
said, it signified the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah. This design of
theirs is supposed to be laid in many places, and that Commanders of
their own were to go into severall parts, and then all persons of their
opinion were to have Flockt in Arms unto them.
Friday, April. 10.
This morning M. G. Harrison was sent for, and committed to the
custody of the Serjeant Arms. Also, Capt. Lawson late Vice-Admiral
and Col. Rich and one Major Danvers are taken into custody.
As for the other persons brought from Shore-ditch, they are disposed
of some in the Tower, the rest in the Gate-House, and Lambath House.
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