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Mercurius politicus, Number 357, 9th-16th April 1657 E.502[21]

The full extent of this Busines (wee hope) the Lord will in his good
time bring to Light:
Westminster, Thursday, April 9
Mr. Speaker reported to the House the effect of His Highnes speech
in Answer to the Address made by the House, at his meeting with the
House yesterday in the Banqueting house at Whitehall.
Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to wait upon his Highnes
the Lord Protector, in reference to what his Highnes did yesterday
express in his Speech now reported to the House.
That the Committee have power to appoint some of their number
to attend his Highnes, to desire him to appoint a time when they may
waite upon his Highnes, according to these Votes.
That the House be adjourned till Saturday next at eight of the
Saturday, April 11.
Report was made by Mr. Secretary Thurloe, that he was by his
Highnes Command, to give the House some Account of a Designe
lately discovered; and he give an Account thereof to the House accordingly,
and produced a Book printed, called A Standard, and
likewise the painted Standard which was taken, it being a Red Lynx
Couchant, with this Motto, Who shall rouse him up?
Resolved, that the Busines reported by Mr. Secretary this day, be
taken into consideration on Monday next.
It being moved, that Mr Secretary, through whose care and vigilance
this designe hath been discovered, and who hath done many
other great services to the Publick, may have the publick and hearty
Thanks of the House for the same, it was upon the question resolved,
and accordingly Mr Speaker did give to Mr Secretary Standing in his
place the Thanks of the House, for his great care and pain in discovering
this designe, and for the great services done by him to the
Common wealth, and to the Parliament, both in this and many other
The Lord Whitelock made report, that the Committee had, according
to the order of the House attended his Highness, who appointed
yesterday, at which time they did attend again; but in respect of the
Designe then discovered to his Highness, their attendance was put off
till this morning nine of the clock.
Ordered, that the Committee now going to his Highness, do acquaint
his Highness, that the Parliament have received the Report from
Mr Secretary, and are very sensible of the great consequence of it, and
that they have ordered to take the some into consideration on Monday,
morning next.
Whitehall Saturday April 11.
The Committee of parliament comming hither to attend his Highness, according
to the appointment of the House, they were admitted to his Highness
Presence and having presented several Reasons, in order to the satisfying of his
Highness, He desired them to attend again on Monday morning.
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