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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

From Vienna 25 January.
The Duke of Inspruck hath been sollicited by the Emperor,
for some men, and he hath resolved to raise 2000 under
Hawldstone, Generall of the Artillerie, to send them in to
Lower Austria, and to Brisgau, against the French, who
threatned to make an invasion. Against the Duke of Modena
are sent 14000 men. The Spanish Embassador hath received
great store of moneys for to raise souldiers. The Transilvanian
Prince Ragonzi hath declared that he will attempt nothing
against the Emperous territories.
From Venice 26 January:
The Moicovian Embassador is gallantly entertained at the
charges of this Republick. In the meane while four men of
Warr are equipaged and provided with ammunition and
provision, for to provide victuall for severall places in Dalmatia.
The Germans being enquartered on the borders of
Gremona made some excursions as farr as Brescian, and have
made great spoile among the inhabitants, which took their
refuge to the territories belonging to this Republick. Our
Senate intends to send forces against them, and to set them
further off. The Jesuites are comming hither againe for to
dwell here, after they have been 50 years expelled.
From Paris February, 17. S. N.
We doe not hear yet of the two Moscovie Ambassadors
arival at Venice; but its beleeved they will have a good issue
of their Negotiation, the Republick not having these many
years had such an offer to encourage them in their Enterprises
against the Turk, for, now these Ambassador have Instruction
to propound a grand League between the Sophi of Persia,
the grand Duke of Moscovie, and, the Duke of Venice,
against the grand Seigmor.
Our Letters from Rome say, that Christina Queen of Sweden
is gone from Pesaro, and expected at Rome, the Palace of
Farness being already prepated to receive her.
Our Dutch Letters do positively affirm that there will a
warr be betwixt the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, the Dane
supposing that by laying hold on the present opportunity
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