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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

he shall be able to recover the Archbishoprick of Bremen, and
other Lands, which (he faith) were usurped from his Predecessors;
and for this cause be hath sent one to the Emperor,
to acquaint him with the Grounds and Reasons of this purpose.
We have news out of Spain, that General Blake lieth continualty
plying upon the Coast of Cadiz, that it will be hard for
the Spanish west-India Fleet to slip by him.
The Duke of Mercocur having mourned some time within
dones for the death of his Dutchesse, the Cardinals Neice, he
came abroad this day, and went to Court with the deputies
of Provence, to move the King on the behalf of that province,
who petition about the being freed from quartering of soldiers.
On the 9 instant in the morning, the Ring went a hunting.
In the afternoon he went to meet Monsieur, his only brother
at the Fair of St Germans.
On the 11, the Popes Nuntio said Masse in the Jesuits
Church of St Lewis, where the Prayers of 40 houres were observed,
and the Prince of Conti was present.
This day also, was danced at the Lovure the Ballet entituled
L' Amour Malade.
On the 12 the Ballet prepared by the Duke of Guise was
danced in the same place.
On the 13 the Court was extraordinarily taken up with
Jolli[unr]ies, and after all they concluded with an Italian Comedie.
All things are now forward in preparation for the marriage
of the Prince Eugenius of Savoy, now called Count of Soissons,
and the Damoiselle de Manchini one of the Cardinals
Neices. The Presents that have been sent her by the Dutchesse
of Savoy, are valued at above 20000 Crowns.
From Elbing in Prussic, 26 Jan.
Here arived the Major General of Linden, relating that his
Majestie of Sweden passed by Marienburg, and is going toward
Prussie-Holland to meet with the Prince Elector of Branded
burg, to confer about some matter of consequence. These
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