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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

Westminster, Thursday 12 Febr.
A Bill for the Provision and better maintenance of several
Ministers, in the Town of Northampton, was this day read
the third time, and upon the question passed; and ordered to
be presented to his Highness for his consent.
The Report was made from the Committee, to whom the
business touching Drury-house was committed, was read,
and the debate thereupon ordered to be taken up on this day
Friday, 13 Febr.
A Bill for the promoting and more frequent Preaching of
the Gospel, and for the maintenance or Ministers in the
Town of Plimouth, in the County of Devon, was this day
read the first time.
Amendments were reported to the Bill for disappropriating
of the Rectory Appropriate of Preston in the County of Suffolk;
and for the uniting and consolidating of the sai.[unr] Rectory,
land of the Vicarage of the Church of Preston aforesaid;
which were agreed, and the Bill ordered to be ingrossed.
The humble Petition of the Counties of Nottingham
and Derby, was this day read and committed.
Report was made of Amendments to the Bill for quiet enjoying of
Sequestred Parsonages and Vicarages, by the present Incumbent,
which were agreed, and the Bill ordered co be ingrossed.
That the Bill for marriages be read the second time on Munday
morning next.
That the Bill for Wigstons Hospital, be read the third time to morrow
The house according to former Order, was resolved into a Grand
Committee, upon the business of [unr]aising the 4000[unr]0l for carrying on
the business of the Spanish War; and upon Report to the house, several
Votes were passed for bringing in a Bill for setting a Fine, for
every building which hath been crected, and continued since the 24 of
March, 1620. upon new Foundations in the Suburbs of the City of
London and within Ten miles of the said City of London, not having
four Acres of ground thereunto belonging: As also to prohibite
Buildings for the future, under severer penalties then formerly; and
that all houses which shall be new built on old Foundations, within
London, and ten miles of the same, be bulk with Brick.
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