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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

was arrived. The Dantzicker souldiers, after they had taken
Grevine, burnt it, and all the out-house, leaving nothing
undemolished except the Pallace, from [unr]ence they went two
Dirshaw, against which place they play with great guns, The
Swedish go on still in turning the Channel of the Weyssel another
way; they have sunk six ships in it, laden and filled with
stones, setting poles on both sides, lest the stream should
carry them away.
General Czarnecki keeps very good discipline among the
Polonian Soldiery. Hee and those of Dantzick busie themselves
to keep the Swedish in action, spoiling all the Country,
burning down villages and houses where they come: General
Czarnecky going on thus with burning, came at last to the
river Drebinits, in Ducal Prussia, where he hath demolished
Saldamir, Lubaw, Offerat and other Towns and villages.
The Swedish being enraged, because the Dantzicker forces
did trouble them so much, send the greatest part of their
Armie that way, for to stay them in their excursions. His
Electoral Highness is gone to Koningsberg, after the conference
which he held with the King of Sweden in the Town of
A third from Vienna 31 January.
Yesterday Prince Ragotzi his Ambassador had audience
by the Emperor, whose proposition is made secret. The Hungarian
Archbishop and Palatines sent to Prince Ragotzi, whose
Successe with that prince we may heare with the next, doubtlesse
we shall have great matters for to write of shortly.
From Coyre the 1 of February 1657.
Our Bishop is gone from hence toward Tyrol, after his conferences
with the young Count Casati; his designe is to facilitate
the passage of the Imperial Army, for the besieging of Valenza,
which place the Spaniards will endeavour to retake in
haste, if possible, Some. Levies are to be made among the Grisons,
specialty of horse, under the Captaine Plarice of Zizons,
with the Spanish money. Great instances are still made for the
recalling of the Grison Forces out of the said Valenza, wherein
some of the French Kings gards are come by order of the
Duke of Modena, They are very busie at Cniavenne in the trial
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