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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

From Lyon, the 8 Feb.
Wee heare out of Switzerland that the Dyet of Arraw
was ended, and that the Protestants Cantons were resolved
to yield to the King of France, as being a great Monarch,
their neighbours, friend and Alley, all possible respects, duties
and services, as they were bound, whereof they had assured
Mr de la Barde the French Ambassador, who hath been at Arraw
with them severall days. But that as to the renewing of
the alliances, they judged that the projects that was framed
upon good consideration, by a State or people that was
jealous of his Libertyes, could be well admitted, though
thereby some old Articles were limited, It being grounded
upon the perpetuall peace between France and the Cantons,
which ought not to be broken, and the mutuall satisfactions
ought to be speedy, and the Protestant company ought
to remaine in the service, many officers having presented
themselves for new levyes, but the Cantons are willing to
have the nominating of them: There hath been some conference
about the defence of Alsatia, the Emperor pretending
that for want of payment, he ought to have it again but the
French Ambassador by many reasons hath endeavoured to
shew that the house of Austria had not well observed the
treaty of Munster. This and many other things keep all in
The Lords Arbitrators of the nou interessed Cantons were
yet assembled at Olten, where the new Instrument of peace
was subscribed on both sides, though the Canton of Schwitz
had vigorously opposed it, but they were at last obliged by
the other Cantons to subscribe it, which they did with shew
of great obstinacy. A command was thereupon issued by the
said Arbitrators, for the publishing of the said Instrument of
peace throughout all Switzerland, all sides being exhorted to
a due observation thereof, and that hereafter the peace might
be well established. I hope to send you shortly the publication
of it, where we have received it. The animosities against the
Landaman and Co[unr]Zweyer, do still continue, though the whole
Communality [unr]ton of Ury hath justified him after a
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