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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

Narrations of all his actions in the late war; to which the
Canton of Schwitz was invited, but none of then appeared
From Marienburg 28 Jan.
Wee here that the Swedes intend to divert and cut off the
channell of the Wisell in two places. Those of Dantzick got
a Swedish Trooper, that carryed some Letters, going to his of these Letters was written by a Swedish Agent, residing
in Transylvania with Ragotzi; there were some letters also
among these, written by Count Tort, French Embassador,
mensioning that France is making over by a bill of exchange
to Hamborough of 400000 gilder Gen: Czarnecky maketh
all the havock he can in Prussia. The King of Sweden charging
Gen: Stenbock to Command his Campe, went to Prussia-Holland,
to conferr with the Prince Elector, from thence he
went to Elbing, to conferr further about the treatie of peace,
with the respective Embassadors.
From Dubkirk, Febr. 7.
There went lately our from hence the two Captains, Peter
Sable and James Bollatre, with designe to go toward the
Coasts of Spain with their ships, to see whether they could
light upon any English Merchants, or othe. Enemies. At
length they met with an English Merchant-man laden with
Commodities, whom they took, and sent to Vigo in Gallicia
to be sold.
Four daies after this, they met with two French Frigats
bound for Nova Hispania, the one of them commanded by
John Collart; Alter some time of Fight, the French were
worsted, and their Vice Admiral, with 14 pieces of Ordnance,
sent into Spain. Captain Bollaert brings back this news, he
being returned because of wounds that he received in the
In the mean time, Captain Peter Sable pursued his course,
and met an Englishman of 28 pieces of Ordnance, laden with
all sorts of Provisions of Ammunition and Victuall, bound
for the Fleet upon the Spanish Coast which was taken, and
brought in hither the 31 of the last month by the said Captain
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