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Mercurius politicus, Number 349, 12th-19th February 1657 E.502[5]

Jary, they unanimously resolved and agreed, That he by some extraordinary
means had caused his own death, and that they verily beleeved
the same to be by poyson.
February 17. Their Verdict was given [unr] us followeth,
WE finde that upon the thirteenth day of February,
in the year of our Lord, 1656. about the hour of
Nine in the night, Miles Sindercom otherwise Fish, late of the Parish
of Peter in Bonds, in the County of Middlesex, God not having before
his eyes, but by the instigation of the Devil, being moved and
seduced at the Tower of London, in the Parish and County aforesaid,
Feloniously, wrifully, and of his malice towards himself aforethought
as a Felon against himself, then and there feloniously upon himself,
did make an assault. And that the said Miles Sindercom otherwise
Fish, then and there, certain poysoned powder through the Nose of
him the said Miles, into the Head of him the said Miles, Feloniously,
wilfully, and of his malice towards himself aforethought, a Felon
of himself, feloniously did snuff and drew; By reason of which snuffing
and drawing of the poyson aforesaid, so at aforesaid, into the Head
of him the said Miles Sindercom; he the said Miles Sindercom, by
the strength and operation of the poyson aforesaid, himself did mortally
poyson; of which said mortal poysoning, he the said Miles Sindercom
otherwise Fish, within three hours after died. And so we finde
that the aforesaid Miles Sindercom otherwise Fish, the said Thirteenth
day of February, in the year aforesaid, at the Tower of London aforesaid,
in the Parish and County aforesaid, in manner and form aforesaid,
Feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice towards himself aforethought;
as a Felon against himsel, Feloniously himself did kill and
murther. We finde no Goods or Chattels that the said Miles Sindercom
otherwise Fish had, at the time of the felony and murder aforesaid,
in manner and form aforesaid, upon himself, done and committed.
In witness hereof, we have hereunto set our hands this Seventeenth
day of February, 1656. &c.
And thereupon the said Coroner issued forth his Warrant for Burial
of Sindercom, the Copy whereof followeth.
Middles. ss.
WHereas the Jury Impanneld and Sworn to inquire
of the Death of Miles Sindercom otherwise
Fish, did present upon their Oaths, That the said Miles the Thirteenth
day of this instant February, did Feloniously poyson himself
These are herefore in the name of his Highness, the Lord Protector
of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, To require
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