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Mercurius politicus, Number 364, 28th May-4th June 1657 E.503[12]

Mr Secretary acquainted the House with the good success
the Lord hath, been pleased to give the fleet of this Commonwealth
under the command of General Blake, at the Port of
Sancta Cruze in the Island of Tener [unr]ff, On Monday the 20
of April last at which time, the said [unr] in among 5 or 6
galleons (of which were the Admiral, Vice-Admiral, and Rear-Admiral,
with their Standards and Flags aloft) and also among
them other considerable ships, making in all about 16 in number,
some having goods brought from the Indies still aboard
them, others had take a in Goods and Provisions to carry, back
again most of them furnished with Brasse-ordnance, and their
full companies of Sermen and Soldiers kept continually aboard
them, where all the said ships were suck, blown up,
or destroyed; the particulars where were contained in the
narrative then delivered in by Mr Secretary, which was read.
Ordered, that Wednesday next be set apart for a day of
Publick Thank giving within the Cirs of London and
Westminster, and the late Lines of Communication and
weekly Bills of Mortality; for the marvellous goodness of
God to this Nation, in preserving the Fleet of this Commonwealth
in their late Action at Sancts Cruz, in the Island of
Teneriff, under General Blake, and the giving them great
success against the ships of the King of Spain.
Ordered, that the House do keep the said day to Thanks
giving at Margarets Westminster, and that Mr. Manton and
Mr Carter be desired to Preach before the Parliament, and
that his Highness consent be desired hereto.
Ordered also, That the Narrative be printed, which
entitled, A Narrative of the Action as Santa Cruz.
The Narrative id self.
After taking in the Supply of [unr] that was brought
[unr] the latter end of Miroh; we sp[unr] two or three [unr]
before the Town of Cadiz, and finding the Enemy there in
no great forwardness to come forth with a Fleet as was expected;
The Generall on the. This [unr] on April One
thousand six hundred fiftyseven called the Commanders together
and communicated his thoughts to go for Santa Cruz
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