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Mercurius politicus, Number 364, 28th May-4th June 1657 E.503[12]

into Lithuania with great forces and hath taken divers Towns
by Arvisko, Arvilef, and Bobrosko, and put to the sword
all the Moscovites and Lithuanian Gentlemen therein.
Friday, May. 9.
The House resumed the debate upon the Amendments to the Bill
concerning Recusants, yesterday reported.
A Letter from his Highness the Lord Protector, bearing date this
day, directed to Mr. Speaker, and by him communicated to the house,
touching an Adjournment or Prorogations of the Parliament, was this
day read.
Report was made from the Committee which was appointed to attend
his Highness with the Votes of the House made yesterday, appointing
a day to be set a part for Thanksgiving, and a Jewel of Five
hundred pounds to be given to General Blake, and One hundred
pounds to be given to the Captain who brought the news; that his
Highness doth consent to them all.
Report was made of Amendments to the Bill, for the Assuring,
Confirming, and Setling fo Lands and Estates in Ireland, which were
agreed to, and the Bill so amended, was ordered to be ingrossed.
Resolved, that the business upon the Petition of the Lord Craven
be heard at the Bar of the House, on the first Saturday, of the meeting
of the Parliament after Michaelmas. And that this Highness Council
at Law, and his Highness Advocate, and the Council for the Purchasers
do then attend.
Ordered, that it be referred to a Committee to consider what Publick
Bills, besides those which are for raising of money, are necessary
to be passed before the Adjournment or Prorogation of the Parliament
and report it to the House.
Ordered, that a Bill be brought in for the raising of the 600000 l.
a year by way of assessment, according to the Resolves; and that the
same be prepared and reported forthwith.
A Bill entituled, An Act for setling the Postage of England, Scotland,
And Ireland, was this day read the second time, and committed.
A Letter from his Highness of the 28 of May, 1657. directed to
Mr Speaker, with a Petition to his Highness the Lord Protector therein
enclosely [unr]tuled. The Humble patition of your Highness Army
in Ireland, in the behalf of themselves, and those under their charge,
were this day read.
Ordered, that this Petition be referred to the Irish Committee to
take it into consideration, and state Matter of Fact, and report it to
the House with their opinion therein.
Ordered, that the Bill for Adventurers be read on Monday.
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