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Mercurius politicus, Number 364, 28th May-4th June 1657 E.503[12]

Saturday, May 30.
Resolved, that the Committee to whom the Bill touching Buildings
is referred, do so pen the same, as that the Commissioners and other
Officers thereby mentioned to be appointed, may be nominated
by the Lord Protector, notwithstanding the former Order authorizing
that Committee to bring in names for Commissioners to be inserted
into that Bill.
A Bill for the three Moneths Assessment in Ireland for the maintenance
of the Spanish War, was this day read the first time.
A Bill for raising 15000 l. in Scotland, was this day read the second
A Bill for the continuing and establishing of the Subsidy of Tonnage
and Poundage, was read the second time and committed.
A Bill giving Licence for Transporting Fish in Foreign Bottoms,
was this day read the third time, and upon the Question passed; and
it was ordered, that his Highness the Lord Protectors consent be desired
to this Bill.
From Brussels May 26.
His Excellency Don Stephen de Gamara, holds close conference
with the Marquis of Caracena. The Spanish Army is
in its full march to make an invasion into Portugall, and will
fall upon that Kingdom by Sea and by Land; they are very
couragious, because they have intelligence, that France hath
sent no more, but 2000 men for a succour to the Portugals.
the Spanish Silver fleet sayled away from Havana the 24 of
December, and are arrived in the Canarie Islands, they were
12 ship; richly liden bringing three millions of Duckets, for
his Catholick Majesty, and eight millions for the merchants
and other private men. Our forces march daily thorough this
City, to their rendezvous, well mounted and accoustred Some
Colonels are in no good condition, being obstructed in the
compleating of their Companies by the Danish levyings. The
revenue of the French geo is is made over to Mr Baudry for
130000 gilders, paying down right 100000 in ready money.
From Constantinople 19 April.
The Creat Prince must endeavor to recover Tenedor
[unr], though be hazato before it the whole Reputation of
his Empire, for the boisterousness of the people here will not
be allayed, unless, Tenedos be reduced, because it snatcheth
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